Trying to make good music

Age 32, Male


Joined on 1/16/07

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DJ-Infinity's News

Posted by DJ-Infinity - June 13th, 2022

Hard to believe that's how many years have passed since I posted here last.

Honestly, I keep forgetting about Newgrounds, but I eventually remembered and posted my most recent remix (Chao Garden) here too.

For the few (if any) that read this and find my music, I hope to give you even a small amount of acoustic joy.


Posted by DJ-Infinity - March 28th, 2014

Wow my music is so bad on this site... might have something to do with my 15/16 year old self doing much of it... and only having used low quality software... and not producing often to get practice...

Yeah... I apologise for my abominations. If I can ever get my creative side re-energised to work together with my now much better technical side... oh the possibilities...

Posted by DJ-Infinity - March 24th, 2012

Dunno if any or many will read this but... I've grown up a lot since my last post. I am not dead. Not yet.

Just read my "About You" and you might get what I mean :D

Posted by DJ-Infinity - July 13th, 2009

Forget planning ahead, it's a stupid idea.

Also, http://www.syrnia.com/?who=p_Arpaleggi a
Also, gonks.

About my music

Posted by DJ-Infinity - February 6th, 2009

Well, my Avril Lavigne remix is done =D <LINK HERE>
Just gotta TRY and complete my Mylo - 'Drop The Pressure' remix request =)

So I thought I'd set myself the even greater challenge of making a remix of loads of different silly riffs, phrases and memes! XD

These riffs, phrases and memes include:
Pingu ... GOT x 2
BN, BN ... Can anyone find a clean recording? =(
Peanut Butter Jelly Time ... GOT
Addams Family ... GOT
Dukes Of Hazzard ... GOT
This Is Sparta! ... GOT
Bring On The Trumpets ... GOT
Over 9000!!! ... GOT
Witch Doctor ... GOT
Cillit Bang ... GOT
Charlie The Unicorn ... GOT
Dental Plan ... GOT
Hobbits To Isengard ... GOT (borrowed a friend's DVD XD)
Dumb & Dumber ... GOT

Brace yourself now...

Totally Stoopid New Riff & Meme Mix

Posted by DJ-Infinity - September 19th, 2008

I've decided to change my artist name to DJ InfinityPlusOne as there is already a DJ called DJ Infinity, I wouldn't really like to be though as a copier, which of course I am not, as I chose the name before I discovered it was already taken... lol? I know I can't change my name on here anymore, but it don't matter.

Anyway, I'm going to proceed with my remixes (shown in my last News Post), but every now and again, I'm gonna engage in a more out-of-the-way project. Right now, I've completed my Juggernaut remix and will now work on a Avril Lavigne - Innocent remix =P

So yeah, I'll press on with shit, you can listen, download, give 5'z (please!) and let you enjoy what I make.

Posted by DJ-Infinity - December 26th, 2007

I am abandoning the remixes of Pretty Green Eyes and Transformers until I get Cubase, as I want to make them awesome and not use the tired old bass and synths I am currently using from Dance Ejay 7. However, I will proceed in making some 2008 updates to my oldest songs, namely: Bangin', Bring The Noise, Dont F#ck With Me, Must Be A Party & Popcoren.

Posted by DJ-Infinity - November 12th, 2007

This tune is waaaaay overdue... by a month! (college work sucks)

Anyway its finally done! Hope you love it!

Let Me Take You - FINISHED!!!!!... if you like too much bass lol...

For those of you who don't, here's the less bass-y version Let Me Take You (ReEQd)


Posted by DJ-Infinity - September 5th, 2007

Hi. Im makin' a new tune. It will be based upon the demo I have submitted he-ar. Enjoy!

Let Me Take You (UnF)

Psshh... I don't really have much else to say, soooooo....

Oh ya... Here's a phrase I know will be familiar to you :)

New choooooonz!!!!