You have a loooong way to go! Here's some tips...
It's not just because you used presets that don't like this, it is also because they don't even go well together.
Make your own synths and tunes dude! I did with Dance 7 eJay, and people love my Peanut Butter Jelly Time Remix! (sorry for advertising)
Plus there are a couple of problems which can easily be solved with a bit of tweaking.
1. Click at start
You can here that at the very start of the tunes sometimes after you have converted a song, but what I do is move all of the smaples over one bar, then when I convert, I delete the click with the Sound Recorder by moving 1 second forward on it, then deleting what is behind, then saving
2. Low volume
For this, all you need to do is use a compressor in the Master FX. Switch one on in there, then move the Gain up to about 50-65, turn he threshold to about 20-30 and the attck to 3-8. This way you'll get a clear sound with minimal distortion.
Tips for bass:
Set the top sound to Square and set it to Octave 12 and Semitone 12, then add another sound which you think sounds good with it. This way you can get a nice thick bassline which can be used for lots of things.
Tips for effects:
Do not neglet to use a little reverb whereever you can, it makes the tune sound full and in some cases, deep. The equaliser which is automatically set to 'Beefed Up' can be used to make kicks sound hard and punchy, but if you want to master the entire song, you can use the equaliser in the Master FX, and set the frequencies how you want them.
Tips for drums:
Unless you place to freq curve a drum loop, you can set the Freq Q to 1, which will give you drums a much clearer sound.
Hope I have been of some assitance to you. Hope you make more songs, but without presets, if you please. Don't worry, it took me about a year to get to grips with the bassline and synth.
Good luck! You can e-mail me if you need any tips, i'll let ya ;)