Just... PWNAGE!!!!
Dude!! I love the style you have used here! You mix so many different tunes into one song, and its sound so diverse, you never get bored of it! It sounds like an advertisement for a CD... i really hope it is in a way ;D
I really think you should use these tunes as a load of seperate songs as well, because you could make some totally epic floorfillers that are absolutely club worthy as full songs. Raver arpeggios are my favourite sound next to hard prolonged beats and bouncy rhythms, and you incorporated my favourite sound brilliantly.
This is a truely awesome piece of work! I hope to here more from you, and I am definitely adding you to my favourite artists now. If you get enough publicity, you will be up there with cornandbeans and dj-Nate!!!
Great tunez!! XD
8 DJ-Infinity 8